the big news...
I'm coming home in April...
Im taking a week off from work to come home for Easter and my cousin Seth's wedding in Pheonix. I'll leave Japan 3:25pm Saturday April 8th, and arrive in California 9:03 April 8th. I love the time change coming back to the states. Then ill return to Japan the following Sunday in time for work on Tuesday. If you will be in San Diegio or LA during those dates, leave a comment, email me, or call me and we'll try and meet up.
Im so excited for seeing as many people as possible, Mexican food, not being seen as a gaijin, warm weather, driving the Mustang, seeing my whole family for once, having a real steak, eating apples that don't cost over a dollar each, speaking a lot of english, buying a bunch of candy and food to take back to japan with me, and just enjoying home for a bit.
so let the countdown begin. to San Diego, California in 40 days

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